Dear Mishpochah (family):

I would like to share with you a teaching on the duty of a Watchman. This duty is related to the end of days.


The God of Israel (YHVH) has set watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem for Zion's sake (Is 62:1, 6). The watchmen will cry, 'Let Us Go Up To Zion' (Jer 31:6).

The Hebrew word for 'watchman' is NATZAR. It consists of the three Hebrew letters: Nun, Tzadde, Resh. There is another Hebrew word that contains the same three Hebrew letters for 'watchman' which is 'Notzri" or "Notzrim" (plural). Notzri is the Hebrew word for 'Christian'. Notzri (Christian) contains the same Hebrew letters as 'watchman' (Notzar) which is: Nun, Tzadde, Resh.

In his book, "Ephraim: The Gentile Children of Israel" by Yair Davidi who is an Orthodox Jew who lives in Jerusalem, he explains that words in the Hebrew language have a basic three letter root and that each word that contains the same basic Hebrew root letters can have a similar internal meaning.

Therefore, the Bible implies that the 'watchmen' in the end of days who declares, 'Let Us Go Up To Zion' (Jer 31:6) will be regarded as being 'Christians' (believers in Yeshua as the Messiah).


In Ezekiel 33:1-7, we are told that a duty of a watchman is to 'blow the shofar' (declare a prophetic warning) when he sees a 'sword' coming upon the land. If he blows the shofar and the people take warning then the people are the better for it. If the people don't take warning then the blood of judgment is upon the people and not the watchman.

In the end of days, a trumpet is to be 'blown in Zion' (Joel 2:1). Interestingly, I have had this Scripture at the top of the HHMI ( or ( website since 1996.

The reason why the trumpet is to be 'blown in Zion' (Joel 2:1) is that the 'DAY OF THE LORD' (YHVH) is at hand (Joel 2:1). The reason why a trumpet needs to be 'blown in Zion' is that Zion is SPIRITUALLY ASLEEP and doesn't recognize that the 'DAY OF THE LORD' (YHVH) is at hand.


Zion is spiritually asleep in traditional Judaism for several reasons.

#1) They spend more time studying the Talmud than the prophets of Israel

#2) They have a theology that 'bad things' written by the prophets don't have to come to pass. In other words, NOT ALL the words of the prophets MUST come to pass. The BAD THINGS (judgment) is OPTIONAL. As a result, traditional Judaism doesn't focus on the prophetic 'bad things'. Rather, they focus on studying more Talmud and following Rabbinic tradition.


Zion is spiritually asleep in traditional Christianity for several reasons.

#1) Because of dispensational theology (age of law / age of grace) wherein the OT is written about the Jews and the NT is written about the Christians, dispensationalists believe that Zion is a term that refers to THEM (the Jews) and THEIR LAND (the land of Israel) and the covenant that YHVH through Abraham (Genesis 12, 15) made with THEM. Dispensationalists believe that the prophecies about Zion pertain to THEM (the Jews) while the Christians get to be blessed with a pre- tribulation rapture for believing in Yeshua as the Messiah. Those who espouse this doctrine are commonly called: Evangelical Christians or Christian Zionists. While Christian Zionists might protest the potential creation of a PLO state and dividing the city of Jerusalem, it is only for "love" purposes toward the Jewish people and the land of Israel.

While Christian Zionists want to "love" THEM on behalf of the covenant made with Abraham (Genesis 12, 15), the irony is that we are told in Galatians 3:29 that those who accept Yeshua as the Messiah are HEIRS of what was promised to Abraham (the land). As a result, Christian Zionists are ASLEEP not realizing that the covenant made with "THEM" is in reality made with THEM AND US. Therefore, Christian Zionists don't realize that they ARE ZION along with THEM (the Jews). So, there is a need to 'blow the shofar' to Christian Zionists.

#2) Because of dispensational theology (age of law / age of grace) and the prevalent view of a pre-tribulation rapture, most Christians believe that the tribulation events don't pertain to them. While believing in a 7 year tribulation based upon Daniel 9:24-27, they don't believe that the CURRENT Israel / PLO peace process to divide the land of Israel (Joel 3:2) and the city of Jerusalem (Zech 14:2) is the 'covenant of death' (Is 28:15) which the "anti-Christ" signs with the nation of Israel.

Because of the blindness of dispensational theology and the belief in the pre-tribulation rapture, most Christians don't consider that the CURRENT PRESIDENT of the USA (George Bush) is fulfilling the prophecies wherein a leader in the the world will encourage and entice the nation of Israel to eventually sign a 'covenant of death'. Instead, many Christians still view President Bush as a 'Christian' president more than an individual who is fulfilling the prophecies about enticing Israel to make a 'covenant with death'.


I first became interested in studying Bible prophecy in 1979. I have devoted my spiritual life to studying this subject. At first, I learned what I refer to as "An Evangelical Dispensational" view of Bible Prophecy. I did this from 1979- 1989.

My understanding began to GRADUALLY change as I began to study the "Hebraic Roots of Christianity". Eventually, I began to study the Biblical Festivals, the Sabbath, the New Moon and the Restoration of the Two Houses of Israel. In doing so, I learned that the end of days is about an endtime battle between Jacob and Esau. I learned that Biblical history is prophecy about the end of days. One day, I realized that the Festivals, Sabbath, New Moon, the end of the exile of the house of Jacob (Ephraim and Judah) and the battle between Jacob and Esau teaches us about the end of days and the role of the Messiah to redeem His people. I also realized that the fulfillment of all these things is Biblical Zion. I learned that the redemption of Zion is the role of the Messiah.

One day, I was SHOCKED when I learned that we are told in the book of John that Yeshua died to gather the exiles of Israel (Ephraim and Judah) (John 11:49-52) and Yeshua was asked WHEN this event will PHYSICALLY happen in Acts 1:6. I was also SHOCKED to realize that Paul was preaching the ingatheirng of the exiles in his missionary journeys (Acts 26:6- 7).

Ultimately, I learned that these prophecies were about ME as a believer in Yeshua as the Messiah as well as about THEM.

As a result, I discovered that what I had previously learned from studying "Evangelical Dispensational View of the End of Days" was in CONFLICT with the "Hebraic View of the End of Days" because dispensational theology didn't use the tools (Festivals, Sabbath, New Moon) that Paul told us in Colossians 2:16-17 teaches us about the 2nd coming of Yeshua the Messiah.

As I increased wisdom (understanding how the Festivals, Sabbath, New Moon, restoring the two houses of Israel and the endtime battle between Jacob and Esau is linked with the task of the Messiah to redeem Zion), I increased sorrow (Eccl 1:18) (Biblical Zion was spiritually asleep).

I was comforted knowing that those who sow in tears (for Zion) will reap with joy (Psalm 126:5).

In sowing in tears, I wrote the book, "Restoring the Two Houses of Israel". In this book, I explain how Biblical Zion (US AND THEM) is currently divided on core spiritual issues and that the day would come when the land of Israel would be divided, the city of Jerusalem would be divided through the creation of a PLO state and that this would result in the judgment of the nations (the fall of the USA) and the ingathering of the exiles of Israel (the redemption of Zion).

Therefore, this is been my life study.

When the HHMI newsgroup was created in 1996, I would in the years following send out a summary of news articles from the current week from the land of Israel which focused on the developments in the Israel / PLO peace process. I never could comprehend how Israel would EVER agree to create a PLO state (using a logical mind). I have been watching and waiting for YEARS to see how this critically important prophetic event was ever going to happen. Then came Annapolis.

While Annapolis didn't result in a formal peace agreement between Israel and the PLO, it is laying the groundwork for one. There was a declaration made by the USA, Israel and the PLO to work to create a PLO state by the end of 2008.

Given that I have spent most of my life studying Bible prophecy and the events in Israel through the internet beginning in 1996, could you believe that the first ever international gathering to give world support for a PLO state (Annapolis) happened on MY BIRTHDAY (November 27) ??

So, what was the significane of Annapolis? The nation of Israel has made a public commitment along with the USA and the international community to work together to establish a PLO state based upon UN Resolutions 242, 338 and 1397.


So, what was the reaction in Zion? The leader of the Orthodox Jewish Shas political party in Israel doesn't believe that the creation of a PLO state will ever happen. As a result, the Orthodox Jewish Shas party is not willing to join other political parties in Israel to bring down the Olmert government and stop the process to create a PLO state. A recent poll in Israel found that 83% DON'T believe that Annapolis will result in a PLO state by the end of 2008.

Meanwhile, Bible believing Christians are still drowzy from the drug of dispensationalism and a peace process that began with Oslo in 1993 that has in 14 years seemed like a long road leading to nowhere.


When will the prophecies of the end of days (tribulation) be fulfilled? The Bible tells us of EVENTS that happen in a period of time known as the "DAY OF THE LORD" (YHVH) so that when these EVENTS happen then we will know that we are in the days of the tribulation.

The 'Day of the Lord' (YHVH) is a major topic in the Bible. It is the MAJOR subject of the book of Isaiah. The book of Joel mentions the "Day of the Lord" in Joel 1:15, Joel 2:1. The book of Zephaniah mentions the "Day of the Lord" in Zephaniah 1:14-15. The book of Zechariah mentions the "Day of the Lord" in Zechariah 14:1. The book of Obadiah mentions the "Day of the Lord" in Obadiah 1:15.


#1) In the day of the Lord (Zeph 1:14-15), Gaza will be forsaken

#2) In the day of the Lord (Joel 2:1), the land of Israel will be divided by the nations (Joel 3:2)
#3) In the day of the Lord (Zech 14:2), Jerusalem will be divided.

The "enemy" will say that the "mountains of Israel" (West Bank) belongs to them (Ezekiel 36:1-2).

Has anyone noticed that the nations of the world met at Annapolis to divide the land of Israel (Joel 3:2) and the city of Jerusalem (Zech 14:2) ? Does anyone realize that the creation of a PLO state is a "day of the Lord" (tribulation event) ? Does anyone realize that their has been a verbal pledge to create a PLO state by the end of 2008?

#4) In the day of the Lord (Is 13:6), Babylon is destroyed through a confrontation with the Medes (Iran) (Is 13:17).

Has anyone noticed that the Bush administration has suggested the possibility of going to war with Iran over its nuclear development program?

Babylon is destroyed through a confrontation with the Medes (Iran) in the time known as the 'vengeance of YHVH' (Jer 51:11) over the 'controversy of Zion' (Is 34:8)

#5) In the day of the Lord (Joel 2:1), Jews will be removed from their homes (Joel 3:6)

#6) In the day of the Lord (Zech 14:1), the nations will be judged for dividing Jerusalem (Zech 14:3) and the judgment will be nuclear (Zech 14:12)

Does anyone understand that when the Bush Administration and the USA had pledged to create a PLO state (and thus divide the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem) that the judgment for doing so is nuclear destruction (Zechariah 14:12).

Does anyone understand that the fate of the USA is SEALED with the pledge to create a PLO state and that fate for the USA is nuclear destruction (Zech 14:12) ?


From all these things, you may conclude what you want. However, I am concluding that the "Day of the Lord" is at hand.

I am personally preparing for the distinct possibility that the Bush administration will be successful and force Israel to create a PLO state by the end of 2008.

For those who haven't heard the recent news, President Bush has announced that he will make his first ever trip to Israel on January 10.

When a USA president needs negoations to be done, he sends his political diplomats (Condolezza Rice). When understandings are reached, the president calls for high-level meetings and summits (Annapolis). The Bush administration has stated that the President's trip to Israel will be "substantive". What does this mean? Only time will tell. Do I believe that this visit will result in the signing of a peace agreement? I don't. Will it lay further groundwork for an eventual peace agreement? I believe so. Is it possible that a peace agreement will be signed in 2008? Based upon the reality of USA politics, I believe that there is a real possibility of a peace agreement to create a PLO during 2008.


Why was the declaration to work to create a PLO state made for the year 2008?

Ezekiel laid on his side to prophetically represent the judgment upon the Northern Kingdom (Epraim / Ten Tribes) for 390 days (Ezekiel 4:1-5). Because of lack of repentance (Leviticus 26:14), this punishment was multiplied by 7 (Leviticus 26:18, 21, 24, 28).

390 x 7 = 2730 years

The Northern Kingdom was taken captive by the Assyrians in 721 B.C.E. When is the judgment of the Northern Kingdom over?

2730 - 721 = 2009

Because our calendars have errors, this calculation is only an estimate. However, the conclusion is that the time of the exile of the Northern Kingdom (Ephraim / Ten Tribes) is NOW over and they will be able in the very near future to be free to unite with the house of Judah in fulfillment of Ezekiel 37:15-28.


Are you a wise virgin (understand the Hebraic View of the End of Days and prepared for the coming of King Messiah) or a foolish virgin (fallen asleep from dispensational theology) and are asleep and are MISSING the SIGNIFICANT EVENTS of the "Day of the Lord" (YHVH) which lead to the coming of King Messiah? In any event, the end of days prophecies are in the process of happening before our very eyes.

Soon, the "foolish virgins" will want to buy "oil" from the "wise virigins" and the "wise virgins" won't be able to sell to the foolish virgins (Matthew 25:1-13).